Friday, August 19, 2011

What You Can Expect To Happen With Multiple Breast Tumors

By Megan Hunt

A tumor in the breast is a sign of a medical problem. The seriousness has to be determined through diagnostic tests. Not all tumors are life-threatening. Also the tests will determine if there is just one tumor or multiple breast tumors. Even with multiple breast tumors, the prognosis can still be positive if the growths are non-cancerous.

Breast tumors can come in many shapes and sizes and be a soft or hard bulge, swelling, bump or nodule. A lump in the breast may be referred to as a contour or shape breast abnormality, and can occur in any age group, population or sex, yet is of course more prevalent in women.

Sometimes, a lump develops from a wound that has become infected. It could be from a milk duct that has been blocked. Other causes for breast lumps are cysts, a harmless benign tumor, or breast cancer. It can happen to both men and women, although more often with women.

Usually, there are other symptoms like swelling, discharge, fever, pain, redness, or an inverted nipple. However, even without symptoms, breast lumps cannot be ruled out as something unimportant. It would be better to have it checked.

Diagnosing multiple breast tumors and the cause of them involves many differing factors, including examining an entire family and personal medical history, including any history of cancer, and undergoing a complete physical examination, as well as a breast exam.

Ultrasounds and mammograms are just some procedures that you will have to undergo at a doctor's clinic. The ultrasound will help determine if there is any fluid in the cyst. Then, it is up to the doctor to recommend whether or not there is a need to drain this fluid. If the ultrasound shows a solid mass in the breast, more tests will be needed to determine if the mass is cancerous.

A biopsy could also be done, which would involve your breast cancer surgeon in Dallas collecting a small sample of the tumors to examine them under magnification, testing for any cancer cells.

If the lump or lumps are discovered as being cancerous, more testing will be performed. Other tests may include an MRI or PET, which would help show whether the cancer is spreading to other body locations, like the lymph nodes. If metastasis of the lymphatic system has occurred, or is suspected, a biopsy on the lymph node will normally be performed.

Multiple breast tumor treatments will depend on the result of all these diagnostics. The more invasive and widespread the cancer is, the more radical the treatment will have to be. However, it is also possible for the treatment to be non-invasive with little or no tissue being affected. A cyst will only need an aspiration to drain the fluid. Multiple breast tumors found to be cancerous will need radiation, stronger drugs, chemotherapy, and breast cancer surgery in Dallas.
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